Prose (children's)


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Володимир Верховень

"The little ones wait for these stories every evening. The wonderful illustrations soothe and inspire magical dreams. Evening time for communication with the child."

Зворушливі книжки. Найкращий татусь
Геннадій Меламед | Єва Сольська

This is the story of little raccoon Yevhenko, who was incredibly happy because his dad promised to take him fishing! To real fishing, tomorrow! But then Yevhenko got very sick... But if dad promised fishing, then it will definitely happen!...

Bullfighters from Vasyukivka
Всеволод Нестайко

It is hard to find anything in our literature as cheerful, talented, and witty as this unparalleled book by Vsevolod Nestayko, who is often referred to as the Gogol of modern Ukrainian children's literature. It is no coincidence that "Toreadors...

Академія дослідників. Таємниця «Туманності». Книга 1
Труді Труїт

Dangerous adventures, a high goal, and an extraordinary mission await 12-year-old Cruz Coronado, who leaves his home in Hawaii to join the prestigious Academy of Explorers. Together with 23 classmates, he will embark on a journey around the world, during...

Dino Friends. Journey
Ларс Мелє

One morning, Dad Rex showed Rasmus and Timmy the map of the Dinosaur Kingdom. The friends excitedly imagined what lay beyond its borders. Timmy wanted to see everything with his own eyes. So Rasmus and Timmy set off on an...

Баю-бай, звірята
Оксана Дємченко

"The little ones wait for these stories every evening. The wonderful illustrations soothe and inspire magical dreams. Evening time for communication with the child."

Who will hug grandma? Touching books
Єва Сольська

A book for family reading. This is a story about a little koala named Lily, who loves her grandmother very much. One day she learned that those who are hugged feel happy. Lily really wanted her grandmother to be happy,...

artemis faul knyha 1
Йон Колфер

Artemis Fowl is a boy genius from Ireland who has dedicated his brilliant mind to criminal affairs. When Artemis learned that there is a civilization of mythical creatures underground, he immediately realized that a gold mine had opened up before...

Dino-friends. Sea monster
Ларс Мелє

Unexpectedly for everyone, real winter arrives: it gets colder, snow falls, and ice appears on the lake. To have some fun, Mom Rex decides to organize a winter fishing competition. The grand prize is a can of mackerel in tomato...

Різдвяний гном
Свен Нордквіст

"You can't promise too much," thought old man Petson more than once, when he promised the cat Findus that a Christmas gnome would come to them on Christmas Eve. "After all, there are no gnomes in the world." But then,...

Петсон, Фіндус і переполох на городі
Свен Нордквіст

It was a fine spring morning. Birds were singing in every bush, grass was growing, trees were covered with leaves, and everywhere small insects were flying, crawling, and bustling about. The cat Findus was running around and catching beetles. Grandpa...


"In your hands is the most amazing and incredible Christmas story you can imagine. A boy named William asks Santa for a dinosaur for Christmas and has no idea how his request will turn out. As you flip through the...

Історія України від Діда Свирида. Книга перша
Дід Свирид

The first volume of the book "The History of Ukraine from Grandfather Syvyrid" by the Ukrainian blogger known on the social network Facebook under the name "Syvyrid Opanasovych". The book is written in a style that is most closely related...

Чарівні історії. Про фей
Юліта Ран

The publication was printed with funds from the institutional support grant. "Ding-dong, ding-dan, ding-ding!" — echoes from the forest. It is the fairies singing — tiny creatures in colorful dresses, with transparent wings behind their backs. All day long, the...

Dino-friends. Secret
Ларс Мелє

The families of Rasmus Rex and Timmy Troodon decide to spend the summer together. They plan to visit Timmy's grandfather in the mountains to the north. He is quite an inventor and a quirky character, living in a cave. But...

Казка полювання на лиса
Свен Нордквіст

Grandpa Petson, his cat Findus, and a few chickens live in a rural homestead. One day, a neighbor comes to visit them and says that he is going to hunt a fox. "What Petson and Findus think about this and...

Феєричні пригоди. Феї та кристал життя
Юліта Ран

Do you think that fairies are delicate creatures that just flutter from flower to flower in lace dresses? Well, not at all! They, like humans, come in different types. Asha, Torri, Likeya, and Glianna are four modern fairies living in...

Ольга Кобилянська

Olha Kobylianska's novella "Zemlia" (the writer referred to it as a short story), using contemporary terminology, can be considered a true psychological thriller.The basis of the work is an event that took place in 1894 in the village of Dymtsi...

Magical Creatures of Ukrainian Myth. Nature Spirits
Дара Корній

This book is magical. You will not just flip through its pages — you will wander the paths of the ancient forest, hear its breath, look into the eyes of the old forest keeper, and listen to the flute of...

Summer on Buzynova Street
Мартіна Баумбах

This book will tell you about the adventures of five friends who live in the same house on Elderberry Street. Each new day brings them fun, interesting adventures, and life lessons. And also the small and big joys that make...

Judy Moody Predicts the Future. Book 4
Меґан МакДоналд

The fourth book in the series about Judy Moody, where the girl learns to predict the future! Don't believe it? Neither do her classmates. Even her best friends – Rocky and Frank – have doubts. Meanwhile, Judy is carefully observing...

A Dog Named Mani, or The Alphabet of Money
Бодо Шефер

Kira finds a wounded dog. It turns out that the dog can talk! He responds to the nickname Mani and knows everything about money. Very soon Kira, listening to Mani's advice, becomes a real financial expert herself and helps others...

Judy Moody - Doctor. Book 5
Меґан МакДоналд

This is the fifth book about the adventures of a girl named Judy Moody. Sometimes there are sluggish days when you don't want to do anything. Especially go to school. And mom is relentless. But when Judy arrives in her...

Magical Creatures of Ukrainian Myth. Household Spirits
Дара Корній

The book "Magical Creatures of Ukrainian Myth: Household Spirits" will take you into the amazing and unique world of Ukrainian beliefs. As you flip through its pages, you will learn about the respected domovyk, a reliable protector of the family,...


Prose (children's)

From the first shelf of children's books in the home, a child's love for reading in the future begins. It is precisely from a young age that parents can instill in their child an interest in literature. Therefore, a great responsibility lies with publishers who offer their clients stories for children, children's novels, and other genres of literature. By shaping our assortment, our online store provides customers with a good selection of truly quality literature. We understand our important mission and responsibility well – to help parents raise young intellectuals endowed with high consciousness, an active life position, and a love for their native language.

Prose for children: a wide assortment for you

By familiarizing yourself with the selection of children's literature we offer, you will be able to choose the options that your child will like. A wide range of books by authors and genres will help you make a purchase that both you and your little one will be satisfied with. We offer many interesting books – different in content, but united by such advantages as:

  • Quality texts that will help instill a love for the native language in a child from an early age and a desire to preserve the correct literary language characteristic of an educated and intelligent person.
  • Beautiful design that will contribute to the development of aesthetic taste and encourage appreciation of the beauty of the surrounding world.

"In addition, we ensure the loyalty of our pricing policy, which makes purchasing good children's literature beneficial for you and won't break the bank. And if you place an order for books totaling over 80 euros, we guarantee free delivery on our part."

Modern children's prose – for your little one

Our online store offers a good selection of prose works for both young children and teenagers. The prose for teenagers is represented by worthy books that can become faithful companions for your child's leisure time. There is a particular demand for quality foreign literature in Ukrainian translation. The role of such books on the shelves of a home library is invaluable. Firstly, they help the child develop in the context of globally recognized cultural treasures. Secondly, by engaging with such literature in translation into their native language, the child grows into a patriot who, in the words of the great Kobzar, will "learn from others and not shy away from their own."

Any book from the series "Pirate Gang" will tell a child about thrilling adventures. The book "Sleepy-Time, Little Animals" will bring pleasant and calming emotions to the youngest readers. Books from the "Academy of Researchers" will delight young "why-ers" who are keenly exploring the surrounding world and want to learn more interesting things about it. And the book about "The Squirrel Looking for Its Calling" will provide an example of searching for one's vocation for those little ones who, from a young age, have become accustomed to asking adults serious questions related to life choices. And these are just a few examples. By getting to know our assortment in more detail, you will see many more interesting things.

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